Nine First Friday Devotions

The ‘Great Promise’ of the Nine First Fridays of the Month

The practice of the Nine First Fridays has its origin in the ‘great promise’ made by Jesus to St.Margaret Mary Alacoque. He said to her: “I promise you that my omnipotent love will grant to all those who receive communion on the first Friday of the month, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance, and that they will not die without receiving the holy sacraments.

The conditions outlined by Our Lord to obtain these graces are the following:

1. Receive Holy Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months without interruption.
2. Have the intention of honouring the Sacred Heart of Jesus and obtaining final perseverance.
3. Offer each Holy Communion as an act of atonement for the offences committed against the Blessed Sacrament.

Novena Prayer for each First Friday of the month.

(It should be recited after the Communion of reparation of each month)

First Friday

I promise you that my omnipotent love will grant to all those who receive communion on the first Friday of the month, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final perseverance, and that they will not die without receiving the holy sacraments.

O good Jesus, who has promised to assist in life, and especially at the hour of death, those who invoke Your Divine Heart with confidence, I offer You the communion of this day, to obtain through the intercession of Mary, Your Mother, the grace to fulfill the nine First Fridays this year, helping me to merit heaven and obtain a holy death. Amen.

Final prayer for every Friday

O my Jesus, I give You my heart, I consecrate to You my whole life, and in Your hands I place the eternal destiny of my soul. I ask of You the special grace to fulfill my nine First Fridays with all the necessary dispositions to partake of the greatest of Your promises, having the joy of one day flying to see and enjoy you in heaven. Amen.

Second Friday

I will give them all the graces necessary for their state in life.

Merciful Jesus, who has promised, to all those who invoke Your Sacred Heart, to give them the necessary graces for their state: I offer You my communion of this day to obtain, by the merits and intercession of Your most Sacred Heart, the grace of a tender, profound and unwavering devotion to the Virgin Mary.
Constantly invoking the precious intercession of Mary, may she obtain for me love of God, the fulfillment of my duties and final perseverance. Amen.

Final prayer for every Friday

O my Jesus, I give You my heart, I consecrate to You my whole life, and in Your hands I place the eternal destiny of my soul. I ask of You the special grace to fulfill my nine First Fridays with all the necessary dispositions to partake of the greatest of Your promises, having the joy of one day flying to see and enjoy you in heaven. Amen.

Third Friday

I will establish peace in families and bless the places where they honour the image of My Heart.

Most loving Jesus, who promised to bless the houses where the image of Your Sacred Heart is honoured, I want it to preside over my household: I offer You the communion of this day to obtain, by Your merits and throught the intercession of Your Blessed Mother, that each and every member of my family know their duties; faithfully fulfill them and gain entry into heaven, with their hands filled with good works. Amen.

Final prayer for every Friday

O my Jesus, I give You my heart, I consecrate to You my whole life, and in Your hands I place the eternal destiny of my soul. I ask of You the special grace to fulfill my nine First Fridays with all the necessary dispositions to partake of the greatest of Your promises, having the joy of one day flying to see and enjoy you in heaven. Amen.

Fourth Friday

I will be your comfort in all afflictions.

O my Jesus, You have promised to comfort all those who turn to You in their afflictions: I offer You my communion of this day to obtain from Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Your most holy Mother, the grace to come before the tabernacle to ask for strength and consolation each time I am afflicted by suffering. O Jesus, O Mary, console and save all those who suffer! May none of their sufferings cause them to lose heaven! Amen.

Final prayer for every Friday

O my Jesus, I give You my heart, I consecrate to You my whole life, and in Your hands I place the eternal destiny of my soul. I ask of You the special grace to fulfill my nine First Fridays with all the necessary dispositions to partake of the greatest of Your promises, having the joy of one day flying to see and enjoy you in heaven. Amen.

Fifth Friday

I will be your out abundant blessings on all their undertakings.

O my Jesus, You promised to bless the works of those who confidently invoke Your Divine Heart: I offer You my communion of this day to obtain, through the intercession of Your most holy Mother, the grace that You bless my studies, my exams, my employment and all the work of my life.

I renew my firm intention to offer You each morning upon rising, through the intercession of the most holy Virgin, all the efforts and works of the day, and to strive with dedication and perseverance to please You and obtain heaven as a reward. Amen.

Final prayer for every Friday

O my Jesus, I give You my heart, I consecrate to You my whole life, and in Your hands I place the eternal destiny of my soul. I ask of You the special grace to fulfill my nine First Fridays with all the necessary dispositions to partake of the greatest of Your promises, having the joy of one day flying to see and enjoy you in heaven. Amen.

Sixth Friday

Sinners shall find in My Heart an ocean of mercy.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, always open for repentant sinners: I offer You the communion of this day to obtain, by Your infinite merits and those of Your most holy Mother, the conversion of all those who do evil. I beseech You, good Jesus, inundate their hearts with great sorrow for having offended You. Make them know and love You. Grant me the grace to love You more and more and inevery moment of my life, so as to console You and expiate for those who have forgotten You. Amen.

Final prayer for every Friday

O my Jesus, I give You my heart, I consecrate to You my whole life, and in Your hands I place the eternal destiny of my soul. I ask of You the special grace to fulfill my nine First Fridays with all the necessary dispositions to partake of the greatest of Your promises, having the joy of one day flying to see and enjoy you in heaven. Amen.

Seventh Friday

Tepid souls shall find fervour and fervent souls shall quickly ascend to high perfection.

Without Your help, my Jesus, we cannot advance along the right path. Lord, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, I offer the communion of this day so that You will inflame in my soul the love of Your Sacred Heart and grant this love to all those who do not feel it. Aided by Your grace Lord, I will fight each week, and each month, to gradually advance in the virtue of which I am in most need. Amen.

Final prayer for every Friday

O my Jesus, I give You my heart, I consecrate to You my whole life, and in Your hands I place the eternal destiny of my soul. I ask of You the special grace to fulfill my nine First Fridays with all the necessary dispositions to partake of the greatest of Your promises, having the joy of one day flying to see and enjoy you in heaven. Amen.

Eighth Friday

I will give those who work for the salvation of souls, the gift to touch the most hardened hearts

Sacred Heart of Jesus, who promised to inspire in those who work for the salvation of souls words that console, move and capture hearts, I offer my communion today to obtain, through the intercession of Mary most holy, the grace of knowing how to comfort those who suffer and the grace to turn back to You, Lord, all those who have left.

My sweet Saviour, grant me and help me to save souls! There are so many unfortunate souls who lead others along the path to vice and hell! Grant Lord, that I may spend my entire life making those around me better and bring them with me to heaven. Amen.

Final prayer for every Friday

O my Jesus, I give You my heart, I consecrate to You my whole life, and in Your hands I place the eternal destiny of my soul. I ask of You the special grace to fulfill my nine First Fridays with all the necessary dispositions to partake of the greatest of Your promises, having the joy of one day flying to see and enjoy you in heaven. Amen.

Ninth Friday

I will remember eternally all that a soul has done for the greater glory of My Heart. Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, from whence they shall never be erased

I offer You, my Jesus, the communion of this day to obtain the grace of knowing how to instil in the soul of all those around me, unlimited confidence in Your Divine Heart. Give me all I need to bring You to those who struggle, those who mourn, those who have fallen and the dying…And deign, O Jesus,to inscribe my name today in Your Heart and to tell the angels that surround Your tabernacle: “This is the name of a devotee who loves Me dearly and wants to console Me for the indifference and ingratitude of so many men.” Amen.

Final prayer for every Friday

O my Jesus, I give You my heart, I consecrate to You my whole life, and in Your hands I place the eternal destiny of my soul. I ask of You the special grace to fulfill my nine First Fridays with all the necessary dispositions to partake of the greatest of Your promises, having the joy of one day flying to see and enjoy you in heaven. Amen.